The Purely Leptonic Decays D+ -> mu+ nu and Ds+-> lepton+ nu at CLEO
The Puzzle of Neutron Lifetime
The QCD Spin Structure of Nucleons (Summary of Parallel Session 2)
The QED Structure of the Photon
The Q^2 Dependence of Dijet Cross Sections in gamma p Interactions at HERA
The Q^2-Dependence of Nuclear Transparency for Exclusive $ρ^0$ Production
The Q^2-dependence of the Generalised Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integral for the Proton
The Radiative Return: A Review of Experimental Results
The RASNIK Real-Time Relative Alignment Monitor for the CDF Inner Tracking Detectors
The Ratio of Dimensionless Jet Cross Sections at the Tevatron
The Ratio of Jet Cross Sections at s**(1/2)=630 GeV and 1800 GeV
The reach of the ATLAS experiment in SUSY parameter space
The Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly
The Recent Results of the Solar Neutrino Measurement in Borexino
The Reliability on the Direction of the Incident Neutrino for the Fully Contained Events and Partially Contained Events due to QEL in the Super-Kamiokande
The Results of Oscillation Analysis in K2K Experiment And An Overview of JHFnu Experiment
The RHIC Spin Program: Snapshots of Progress
The Ring Imaging Detector for Cleo III
The Rise of the Proton Structure Function F_2 Towards Low x
The role of KLOE and KLOE-2 in the search for a secluded gauge sector