R&D for a CCD Vertex Detector for the High Energy Linear e+e- Collider
R&D on the Gem Readout of the Tesla TPC
R-Hadron and long lived particle searches at the LHC
R-hadron at ATLAS -Discovery Prospects and Properties
R-values in Low Energy e^+e^- Annihilation
Radiation damage to neutron and proton irradiated GaAs particle detectors
Radiation Hardness and Linearity Studies of CVD Diamonds
Radiation studies for GaAs in the ATLAS Inner Detector
Radiation-hard ASICs for optical data transmission in the ATLAS pixel detector
Radiative $b\to d$ Penguins
Radiative and Electroweak Rare B Decays
Radiative and Leptonic B-meson Decays from the B-factories
Radiative B Decays
Radiative B Decays -- an Experimental Overview
Radiative B Meson Decay
Radiative B Meson Decays into K pi gamma and K pi pi gamma Final States
Radiative corrections to DIS
Radiative Decay Modes of the $D^{0}$ Meson
Radiative Decay of the ψ(2S) into Two Pseudoscalar Mesons
Radiative Decay Width Measurements of Neutral Kaon Excitations Using the Primakoff Effect