Modeling Neutrino and Electron Scattering Cross Sections in the Few GeV Region with Effective $LO PDFs$
Modeling Neutrino and Electron Scattering Inelastic Cross Sections
Modeling Neutrino Quasielastic Cross Sections on Nucleons and Nuclei
Modeling Quasi-elastic Form Factors for Electron and Neutrino Scattering
Modeling skin effect in large magnetized iron detectors
Modern Status of Neutrino Experiments at the Underground Neutrino Laboratory of Kurchatov Institute Near Krasnoyarsk Nuclear Reactor
Modified Breit-Wigner formula for mesonic resonances describing OZI decays of confined $q\bar{q}$ states and the light scalar mesons
Moller Scattering Polarimetry for High Energy e^+e^- Linear Colliders
Moments of the B Meson Inclusive Semileptonic Decay Rate using Neutrino Reconstruction
Moments of the charged-particle multiplicity distribution in Z decays at LEP
Moments of the electron energy spectrum and partial branching fraction of $B \to X_c e ν$ decays at Belle
Moments of the Electron Energy Spectrum in B --> X_c l νdecays at Belle
Moments of the Electron Energy Spectrum in Semileptonic B Decays at Belle
Moments of the Hadronic Invariant Mass Spectrum in B --> X_c l nu Decays at Belle
Moments of the Hadronic Mass Spectrum in Inclusive Semileptonic B Decays at Belle
Moments of the photon energy spectrum from $B\to X_s γ$ decays measured by Belle
Momentum Correlations of Charmed Pairs Produced in $π^{-}-Cu$ Interactions at 230 GeV/c
Momentum Reconstruction and Triggering in the TALAS Detector
Momentum Resolution Improvement Technique for Silicon Tracking Detectors using dE/dx
Momentum Resolution Studies for a large TPC-Based Central Tracker