Density wave theory for spiral galaxies - Effects of resonant stars at corotation
Density-PDFs and Lagrangian Statistics of highly compressible Turbulence
Dependence of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence on initial conditions
Dependence of Dripping on the Orifice Diameter in a Leaky Faucet
Depinning of three-dimensional drops from wettability defects
Derivation of the NLS breather solutions using displaced phase-amplitude variables
Deriving thermal lattice-Boltzmann models from the continuous Boltzmann equation: theoretical aspects
Desalination shocks in microstructures
Description of Vorticity by Grassmann Variables and an Extension to Supersymmetry
Design criteria of a chemical reactor based on a chaotic flow
Design techniques for superposition of acoustic bandgaps using fractal geometries
Destabilization of free convection by weak rotation
Destabilizing Taylor-Couette flow with suction
Detailed analysis of a pseudoresonant interaction between cellular flames and velocity turbulence
Detection of a flow induced magnetic field eigenmode in the Riga dynamo facility
Deterioration of Damselfly Flight Performance due to Wing Damage
Determination of density and concentration from fluorescent images of a gas flow
Determination of the Decay Exponent in Mechanically Stirred Isotropic Turbulence
Determining the Critical Condition for Flow Transition in a Full-Developed Annulus Flow
Deterministic aspects of nonlinear modulation instability