A Universal Trimer in a Three-Component Fermi Gas
Ab-initio phase diagram of ultracold 87-Rb in an one-dimensional two-color superlattice
Absence of pairing in atomic Fermi gases
Absorption imaging of a quasi 2D gas: a multiple scattering analysis
Accurate multi-boson long-time dynamics in triple-well periodic traps
Accurate numerical verification of the instanton method for macroscopic quantum tunneling: dynamics of phase slips
Achieving ground-state polar molecular condensates by chainwise atom-molecule adiabatic passage
Acoustic white holes in flowing atomic Bose-Einstein condensates
Adiabatic Formation of Rydberg Crystals with Chirped Laser Pulses
Adiabatic Preparation of a Heisenberg Antiferromagnet Using an Optical Superlattice
Adiabatic preparation of many-body states in optical lattices
Adiabatic spin cooling using high-spin Fermi gases
Adiabatic Splitting, Transport, and Self-Trapping of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Double-Well Potential
Adiabatic transport of Bose-Einstein condensate in double-well trap
Advantages of mass-imbalanced ultracold fermionic mixtures for approaching quantum magnetism in optical lattices
Aligned dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential: From cigar-shaped to pancake-shaped
All Optical Scheme for Strongly Enhanced Production of Dipolar Molecules in the Electro-Vibrational Ground State
All-optical production of a degenerate mixture of 6Li and 40K and creation of heteronuclear molecules
All-Optical Production of a Lithium Quantum Gas Using Narrow-Line Laser Cooling
All-optical pump-and-probe detection of dynamical correlations in a two-dimensional Fermi gas