Universal saturation of electron dephasing in three-dimensional disordered metals
Universal Scaling Behavior of Clustering Coefficient Induced by Deactivation Mechanism
Universal scaling of distances in complex networks
Universal scaling, beta function, and metal-insulator transitions
Universal Sound Absorption in Amorphous Solids: A Theory of Elastically Coupled Generic Blocks
Universal sound absorption in low-temperature glasses
Universal Sound Attenuation in Amorphous Solids at Low-Temperatures
Universal Statistics of Inviscid Burgers Turbulence in Arbitrary Dimensions
Universal Statistics of the Critical Depinning Force of Elastic Systems in Random Media
Universal Susceptibility Variations in 1+1 Dimensional Vortex Glass
Universal tree structures in directed polymers and models of evolving populations
Universality and Deviations in Disordered Systems
Universality and its Origins at the Amorphous Solidification Transition
Universality and non-universality in behavior of self-repairing random networks
Universality and universal finite-size scaling functions in four-dimensional Ising spin glasses
Universality class of 3D site-diluted and bond-diluted Ising systems
Universality class of replica symmetry breaking, scaling behavior, and the low-temperature fixed-point order function of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
Universality Classes for Extreme Value Statistics
Universality in percolation of arbitrary Uncorrelated Nested Subgraphs
Universality in phase boundary slopes for spin glasses on self dual lattices