Pressure dependence of the Boson peak in glasses
Pressure dependence of the Boson peak in glassy As2S3 studied by Raman Scattering
Pressure induced orientational glass phase in molecular para-hydrogen
Pressure Raman Effects and Internal Stress in Network Glasses
Pretransitional phenomena in dilute crystals with first-order phase transition
Prevalence of unstable attractors in networks of pulse-coupled oscillators
Pricing formulas, model error and hedging derivative portfolios
Primary Sequences of Protein-Like Copolymers: Levy Flight Type Long Range Correlations
Prisoners' dilemma in real-world acquaintance networks: Spikes and quasi-equilibria induced by the interplay between structure and dynamics
Probing Disordered Substrates by Imaging the Adsorbate in its Fluid Phase
Probing Localization in Absorbing Systems via Loschmidt Echos
Probing quantum-mechanical level repulsion in disordered systems by means of time-resolved selectively-excited resonance fluorescence
Probing quasi-equilibrium behavior during aging in the bi-dimensional Edwards-Anderson model
Probing semiclassical magneto-oscillations in the low-field quantum Hall effect
Probing spin glasses with heuristic optimization algorithms
Probing tails of energy distributions using importance-sampling in the disorder with a guiding function
Probing the Almeida-Thouless line away from the mean-field model
Probing the basins of attraction of a recurrent neural network
Probing the dynamics of Anderson localization through spatial mapping
Probing the tails of the ground state energy distribution for the directed polymer in a random medium of dimension $d=1,2,3$ via a Monte-Carlo procedure in the disorder