Minority Opinion Spreading in Random Geometry
Mixed state on a sparsely encoded associative memory model
Mixed states in a sparsely encoded associative memory model storing ultrametric patterns
Mixed states on neural network with structural learning
Mixing, Ergodicity and the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem in complex systems
Mobile particles in an immobile environment: Molecular Dynamics simulation of a binary Yukawa mixture
Mobility Edge and Level Statistics of Random Tight-Binding Hamiltonians
Mode Coupling in Quantized High Quality Films
Mode coupling theory in the FDR-preserving field theory of interacting Brownian particles
Mode Repulsion and Mode Coupling in Random Lasers
Mode-coupling theory for heteropolymers
Mode-coupling theory predictions for the dynamical transitions of the partly pinned fluid systems
Model C critical dynamics of disordered magnets
Model C critical dynamics of random anisotropy magnets
Model calculation of orientational effect of deformed aerogel on the order parameter of superfluid 3He
Model glasses coupled to two different heat baths
Model of random packings of different size balls
Model Selection for Support Vector Machine Classification
Model study for the nonequlibrium magnetic domain structure during the growth of nanostructured ultrathin films
Modeling disorder in graphene