Depinning with dynamic stress overshoots: Mean field theory
Depolarization of backscattered linearly polarized light
Depth dependent spin dynamics of canonical spin glass films: A low-energy muon spin rotation study
Derivation of Hebb's rule
Derivation of the Functional Renormalization Group Beta-Function at order 1/N for Manifolds Pinned by Disorder
Derivation of the probability distribution function for the local density of states of a disordered quantum wire via the replica trick and supersymmetry
Derivatives and inequalities for order parameters in the Ising spin glass
Design Equation: A Novel Approach to Heteropolymer Design
Design of one-dimensional Lambertian diffusers of light
Designer Nets from Local Strategies
Designing agent-based market models
Designing neural networks that process mean values of random variables
Destruction of Anderson localization by a weak nonlinearity
Destruction of bulk ordering by surface randomness
Destruction of first-order phase transition in a random-field Ising model
Desynchronization in diluted neural networks
Desynchronization waves and localized instabilities in oscillator arrays
Desynchronized stable states in diluted neural networks
Detecting communities in large networks
Detection Implicit Links and G-betweenness