Density of States near the Anderson Transition in a Space of Dimensionality d=4-epsilon
Density of States of an Electron in a Gaussian Random Potential for (4-epsilon)-dimensional Space
Density of states of disordered Dirac particles: Infinitely many operators with negative scaling dimensions and freezing transitions
Density of states of disordered systems with a finite correlation length
Density profile of water confined in cylindrical pores in MCM-41 silica
Density-correlator signatures of the vulcanization transition
Dependence of critical level statistics on the sample shape
Dephasing and interwell transitions in double quantum well heterostructures
Dephasing and weak localization in disordered Luttinger liquid
Dephasing by time-dependent random potentials
Dephasing from interactions and spin disorder
Dephasing of Atomic Tunneling by Nuclear Quadrupoles
Dephasing of interacting tunneling systems
Depinning and critical current characteristics of topologically defected vortex lattices
Depinning exponents of the driven long-range elastic string
Depinning in a two-layer model of plastic flow
Depinning of a domain wall in the 2d random-field Ising model
Depinning of elastic manifolds
Depinning transition at the upper critical dimension
Depinning with dynamic stress overshoots: A hybrid of critical and pseudohysteretic behavior