Clusters of solutions and replica symmetry breaking in random k-satisfiability
Co-evolutionary games on networks
Coagulation by Random Velocity Fields as a Kramers Problem
Coarsening of Disordered Quantum Rotors under a Bias Voltage
Coarsening on percolation clusters: out-of-equilibrium dynamics versus non linear response
Coexistence of anomalous field effect and mesoscopic conductance fluctuations in granular aluminium
Coexistence of native and denatured phases in a single protein-like molecule
Coexistence of regular and irregular dynamics in complex networks of pulse-coupled oscillators
Coexistence of supersymmetric and supersymmetry-breaking states in spherical spin-glasses
Coherence in complex networks of oscillators
Coherence in scale-free networks of chaotic maps
Coherent backscattering effect on wave dynamics in a random medium
Coherent Backscattering of Ultracold Matter Waves: Momentum Space Signatures
Coherent electron dynamics in a two-dimensional random system with mobility edges
Coherent feedback from dissipation: the lasing mode volume of random lasers
Coherent motion in the interaction model of cold glasses
Coherent periodic activity in excitatory Erdos-Renyi neural networks:The role of network connectivity
Coherent phonon scattering effects on thermal transport in thin semiconductor nanowires
Coherent potential approximation for spatially correlated disorder
Coherent potential approximation of random nearly isostatic kagome lattice