Chaos and residual correlations in pinned disordered systems
Chaos and Universality in a Four-Dimensional Spin Glass
Chaos and universality in two-dimensional Ising spin glasses
Chaos in Glassy Systems from a TAP Perspective
Chaos in neural networks with a nonmonotonic transfer function
Chaos in Small-World Networks
Chaos in Temperature in Diluted Mean-Field Spin-Glasses
Chaos in temperature in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
Chaos in the Random Field Ising Model
Chaos in the thermal regime for pinned manifolds via functional RG
Chaotic Electron Motion in Superlattices. Quantum-Classical Correspondence of the Structure of Eigenstates and LDOS
Chaotic Spin Correlations in Frustrated Ising Hierarchical Lattices
Chaotic temperature dependence in a model of spin glasses
Chaotic, memory and cooling rate effects in spin glasses: Is the Edwards-Anderson model a good spin glass?
Character of eigenstates of the 3D disordered Anderson Hamiltonian
Characteristics of reaction-diffusion on scale-free networks
Characterization of complex networks: A survey of measurements
Characterization of Disorder in Semiconductors via Single-Photon Interferometry
Characterization of E'delta and triplet point defects in oxygen deficient amorphous silicon dioxide
Characterization of nanoscale mechanical heterogeneity in a metallic glass by dynamic force microscopy