Visualization and Interpretation of Attosecond Electron Dynamics in Laser-Driven Hydrogen Molecular Ion using Bohmian Trajectories
Visualization of Coulomb Correlations in Finite Metallic Systems
W3 theory: robust computational thermochemistry in the kJ/mol accuracy range
W4 theory for computational thermochemistry: in pursuit of confident sub-kJ/mol predictions
W4 thermochemistry of P_2 and P_4. Is the CODATA heat of formation of phosphorus atom correct?
Water adsorption and dissociation on BeO (001) and (100) surfaces
Water coordination structures and the excess free energy of the liquid
Water vapor at a translational temperature of one kelvin
Wavelet-Based Linear-Response Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory
Weak intermolecular interactions in gas-phase NMR
What can be learned about molecular reorientation from single molecule polarization microscopy?
What is the Shape Effect on the (Hyper)polarizabilities? A Comparison Study on the Moebius, Cyclic, and Linear Nitrogen-Substituted Polyacenes
What is the time scale of random sequential adsorption?
When a covalent bond is broken?
When Density Functional Theory goes wrong and how to fix it: spin balanced unrestricted Kohn-Sham formalism
When diffraction rules the stereodynamics of rotationally inelastic collisions
When hot water freezes before cold
Where to look for the electronic spectrum of hydrogen isocyanide, HNC
Why do surface tensions of most of organic liquids demonstrate close values?
Why the traditional concept of local hardness does not work