Cold collisions of an open-shell S-state atom with a ^2Pi molecule: N(^4S) colliding with OH in a magnetic field
Cold collisions of complex polyatomic molecules
Cold collisions of N atoms and NH molecules in magnetic fields
Cold guided beams of water isotopologs
Cold heteromolecular dipolar collisions
Collision Cross Section of the J = 2 <- 1 Rotational Transition of CF3CCH due to Higher Order Interactions
Collision Dynamics and Solvation of Water Molecules in a Liquid Methanol Film
Collision statistics of clusters: From Poisson model to Poisson mixtures
Collision-induced fine-structure transition of O(3P2) → O(3P1,0 by He and H2: excitation function and branching ratio
Collisional effects in the formation of cold guided beams of polar molecules
Collisional Quenching at Ultralow Energies: Controlling Efficiency with Internal State Selection
Collisional removal of O2(b 1Σg+,v=1,2) by O2, N2, and CO2
Colors on Jupiter
Colossal Van der Waals small-polaron superlattice: a hint to understanding the colossal magnetoresistance and electroresistance in manganites
Combination of many-body and density-functional theories
Combined Extended Rejoinder to "Extended Comment on "One-Range Addition Theorems for Coulomb Interaction Potential and Its Derivatives" by I. I. Guseinov (Chem. Phys., Vol. 309 (2005), pp. 209-213)"
Combined method using Bohmian and Quantum Phase Spase Representation
Combined theory of complete orthonormal sets of quasirelativistic and relativistic sets of wave functions, and Slater orbitals of spin -1/2 particles in position, momentum and four dimensional spaces
Combined theory of two- and four- component complete orthonormal sets of spinor wave functions and Slater type spinor orbitals in position, momentum and four-dimensional spaces
Combining Density Functional Theory and Density Matrix Functional Theory