Cargo transport by several motors
CASSCF and CCI calculations of the vibrational band strengths of HCN
Cation composition effects on oxide conductivity in the Zr_2Y_2O_7-Y_3NbO_7 system
Cation-like Doppler shifts from a neutral molecule in an electrical discharge
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy of jet-cooled 1-pyrenecarboxyaldehyde (C17H10O) and 1-methylpyrene (C17H12) cations
Cavity Ringdown Laser Asorption Spectroscopy(crlas) of Isotopically Labeled Acetylene Between 12,500 - 13,600 wn
Centre-of-mass separation in quantum mechanics: Implications for the many-body treatment in quantum chemistry and solid state physics
Ceramic Methyltrioxorhenium
Changes in the zero point energy of the protons as the source of the binding energy of water to A phase DNA
Chaotic Temperatures vs Coefficients of Thermodynamic Activity: The Advantage of the Method of Chemical Dynamics
Characterisation of polystyrene coatings after plasma immersion ion implantation and adsorption of protein
Characteristic noise features in light transmission across membrane protein undergoing photocycle
Characteristic Temperatures of Folding of a Small Peptide
Characterization of agostic interactions in theory and computation
Charge constrained density functional molecular dynamics for simulation of condensed phase electron transfer reactions
Charge transfer excitons in C60-dimers and polymers
Charge, density and electron temperature in a molecular ultracold plasma
Charge-transfer in time-dependent density-functional theory via spin-symmetry-breaking
Charge-transfer photodissociation of adsorbed molecules via electron image states
Charging effects in biased molecular devices