Tracing the early development of harmful algal blooms with the aid of Lagrangian coherent structures
Tracking down the ENSO delayed oscillator with an adjoint OGCM
Transport Induced by Mean-Eddy Interaction: I. Theory, and Relation to Lagrangian Lobe Dynamics
Transport Induced by Mean-Eddy Interaction: II. Analysis of Transport Processes
Trends, noise and reentrant long-term persistence in Arctic sea ice
Tropical Atmospheric Circulations with Humidity Effects
Tropical Cyclone Forecasting Applications of the GOES WMSI
Tropical Cyclones as a Critical Phenomenon
Tsunami generation by dynamic displacement of sea bed due to dip-slip faulting
Turbulence energetics in stably stratified geophysical flows: strong and weak mixing regimes
Turbulent Diffusion and Turbulent Thermal Diffusion of Aerosols in Stratified Atmospheric Flows
Two-dimensional Moist Stratified Turbulence and the Emergence of Vertically Sheared Horizontal Flows