A simple method for timing an XFEL source to high-power lasers
A Simple Transition-Free Lattice of an 8 Gev Proton Synchrotron
A Single Shot, Sub-picosecond Beam Bunch Characterization with Electro-optic Techniques
A stochastic model for the semiclassical collective dynamics of charged beams in particle accelerators
A Storage Ring proton Electric Dipole Moment experiment: most sensitive experiment to CP-violation beyond the Standard Model
A Study of a Real-Time Operating System on the Intel-Based Vme Controllers
A Study of Beam Alignment Based on Coupling Modes in Third Harmonic Superconducting Cavities at FLASH
A Study of Influence of Synchrotron Radiation Quantum Fluctuations on the Synchrotron Oscillations of a Single Electron Using Undulator Radiation
A Super-Conducting Linac Driver for the HFBR
A Super-Conducting Linac Injector for the BNL-Ags
A superconductive undulator with period length of 3.8 mm
A Superconductive, Low Beta Single Gap Cavity for a High Intensity Proton Linac
A surprising method for polarising antiprotons
A Test of HTS Power Cable in a Sweeping Magnetic Field
A Three-Dimensional Model of Small Signal Free-Electron Lasers
A tracking algorithm for the stable spin polarization field in storage rings using stroboscopic averaging
Ab Initio Liquid Hydrogen Muon Cooling Simulations with ELMS in ICOOL
About the Electrodynamic Acceleration of Macroscopic Particles
About the Use of Real Dirac Matrices in 2-dimensional Coupled Linear Optics
Acceleration and Storage of Polarized Electron Beams