q-deforming the synchrotron shape function
QCD Explorer Based ea and gamma-a Colliders
QCD Explorer Proposal: E-Linac Versus E-Ring
Quadrupole Misalignments and Steering in Long Linacs
Quantization of the Coulomb Chain in an External Focusing Field
Quantum approach to the halo formation in high current beams
Quantum aspects of accelerator optics
Quantum effects in spontaneous emission by a relativistic, undulating electron beam
Quantum excitation-free radiation emission including multiple scattering
Quantum Ground State and Minimum Emittance of a Fermionic Particle Beam in a Circular Accelerator
Quantum mechanical aspects of the halo puzzle
Quantum mechanical formalism of particle beam optics
Quantum Mechanical Treatment of Transit-Time Optical Stochastic Cooling of Muons
Quantum mechanics of Dirac particle beam optics: Single-particle theory
Quantum mechanics of Dirac particle beam transport through optical elements with straight and curved axes
Quantum Theory of Generation of Coherent X-Ray in a Wiggler
Quantum theory of magnetic quadrupole lenses for spin-1/2 particles
Quantum theory of SASE FEL
Quantum-like approach to the transversal and longitudinal beam dynamics. The halo problem
Quantum-like approaches to the beam halo problem