Post Mortem System - Playback of the RHIC Collider
Potential Hazards from Neutrino Radiation at Muon Colliders
Potential of the FLASH FEL technology for the construction of a kW-scale light source for the next generation lithography
Power coupling
Prediction of long term stability by extrapolation
Preliminary considerations about the injectors of the HE-LHC
Preliminary Considerations for the Design of the Interaction Region
Preliminary Design of Muses Control System Based on RT-Corba and Java
Preliminary Design Study of High-Power H2+ Cyclotrons for the DAEdALUS Experiment
Present Performance of Electron Cooling at Cosy-Jülich
Present status of development of damping ring extraction kicker system for CLIC
Proceedings of EuCARD-AccNet-EuroLumi Workshop: The High-Energy Large Hadron Collider, Malta, Republic of Malta, 14 - 16 Oct 2010
Proceedings of the 2009 CAS-CERN Accelerator School: Specialised course on Magnets, Bruges, Belgium, 16 - 25 Jun 2009
Proceedings of the CAS - CERN Accelerator School: RF for Accelerators, Ebeltoft, Denmark, 8 - 17 Jun 2010
Processing Studies of X-Band Accelerator Structures at the NLCTA
Producing an Intense, Cool Muon Beam via e+e- Annihilation
Production And Studies Of Photocathodes For High Intensity Electron Beams
Production of Enhanced Beam Halos via Collective Modes and Colored Noise
Production of Entangled X-Ray Photon Pairs by High Energy Electrons
Production of gamma rays by pulsed laser beam Compton scattering off GeV-electrons using a non-planar four-mirror optical cavity