Comparisons Of Equivalent Circuit Predictions With Measurements For Short Stacks Of Rdds1 Discs, And Their Potential Application To Improved Wakefield Prediction
Compendium of eigenmodes in third harmonic cavities for FLASH and the XFEL
Compensation of Transverse Field Asymmetry in the High-beta Quarter-wave Resonator of the HIE-ISOLDE Linac at CERN
Compensation of wake-field-driven energy spread in Energy Recovery Linacs
Compression of High-Charge Electron Bunches
Compression of sub-relativistic space-charge-dominated electron bunches for single-shot femtosecond electron diffraction
Compton Upconversion of Twisted Photons: Backscattering of Particles with Non-Planar Wave Functions
Computation of Charged-Particle Transfer Maps for General Fields and Geometries Using Electromagnetic Boundary-Value Data
Computation of Resistive Wakefields
Computationally efficient methods for modelling laser wakefield acceleration in the blowout regime
Compyter analysys of undulators with block-periodic structure
Concentrator of laser energy for thin vapour cloud production near a surface
Concept for controlled transverse emittance transfer within a linac ion beam
Concept of Powerful Multistage Coaxial Cyclotron for Pulsed and Continuous Beam Production
Concept of Staged Approach for International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility
Conceptual and Experimental Feasibility Study of a Superconductive Micro-Undulator
Conceptual Design for a Polarized Proton-Antiproton Collider Facility at Gsi
Conceptual design of 20 T dipoles for high-energy LHC
Conceptual design of the muon collider ring lattice
Conceptual designs of dipole magnet for muon collider ring