A narrow plane cut near the crystal surface increases the probability of capture into the stable channeling motion up to 99 percent
A Neutrino Horn Based on a Solenoid Lens
A new design for the CERN-Fréjus neutrino Super Beam
A new limit on the light speed isotropy from the GRAAL experiment at the ESRF
A New Linear Inductive Voltage Adder Driver for the Saturn Accelerator
A New Model for the Collective Beam-Beam Interaction
A New QF1 Magnet for ATF3
A new technique to generate 100 GW-level attosecond X-ray pulses from the X-ray SASE FELs
A New Type of Plasma Wakefield Accelerator Driven by Magnetowaves
A physical interpretation of the cubic map coefficients describing the electron cloud evolution
A Polarized Electron RF Photoinjector Using the Plane-Wave-Transformer (PWT) Design
A polarized positron source for CEBAF
A Possibility of Volume Refraction of Negative Relativistic Particles in Bent Crystals
A Possible Hybrid Cooling Channel for a Neutrino Factory
A proposed experiment on the proton driven plasma wakefield acceleration
A Prototype of the UAL 2.0 Application Toolkit
A Prototype of Upgrading Bepc Control System
A Pulsed Synchrotron for Muon Acceleration at a Neutrino Factory
A Real-Time Energy Monitor System for the IPNS Linac
A reformulation of intrabeam scattering theory