A 30,000 year record of extreme floods in tropical Australia from relict plunge-pool deposits: Implications for future climate change
A 30-m submillimeter telescope with active reflector
A 32 Megapixel Dual Color CCD Imaging System
A 3D Convective Model for the Jovian Wind Bands
A 3D Line-Tied Model of Flux Rope Eruptions
A 3D Treatment of Radiative Transfer: Including Multi-wavelength Scattering; Absorption and Far Infrared Emission; and Arbitrary Geometry
A 3D-NLTE study of the 670 nm solar lithium feature
A 4% Geometric Distance to NGC 4258 from Proper Motions in the Nuclear Water Maser
A 4-Ma record of thermal evolution in the tropical western Pacific and its implications on climate change
A 4.1 keV spectral feature in a type 1 X-ray burst from EXO 1747-214
A 4.2 Day Period in the X-ray Pulsar IGR J16393-4643 from Swift/BAT and RXTE/PCA Observations
A 400-3500 nm spectroscopy through a common-path interfero coronagraph instrument on 600 mm telescope on RS ISS
A 40Ar/39Ar study of post-tectonic cooling in the Britt domain of the Grenville Province, Ontario
A 42 Year Quest to Understand the Solar Dynamo and Predict Solar Cycles
A 42 Year Quest To Understand The Solar Dynamo And Predict Solar Cycles
A 43 GHz SiO Maser Survey of high-latitude OH/IR Stars
A 5-GHZ Radio Survey of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
A 5.57 hour modulation of the X-ray flux from 4U 1822-37
A 5.57 hour modulation of the X-ray flux of 4U1822-37: A new model for CYG X-3
A 5.57 HR modulation in the optical counterpart of 2S 1822-371