60Fe-60Ni Chronology of the D'Orbigny Angrite: Implications for the Initial Solar System Abundance of 60Fe
610-MHz survey of Lockman Hole with GMRT. II. (Garn+, 2010)
65 km of Post-Cretaceous Offset Across Owens Valley, CA? Constraints Using Paleomagnetism
66 New Variable Stars from SAVS Sky Survey
7 microns Dust Emission Feature in Oxygen-Rich Circumstellar Shells
73p/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 - One Orbit after Break-Up: Search for Fragments
74 MHz Imaging of the Galactic Supernova Remnant W49B
76535 - an old lunar rock
78th name-list of variable stars (Kazarovets+, 2006)
79th Name-List of Variable Stars (Kazarovets+, 2008)
8 Years of ChaMPlane WIYn/Hydra Followup Spectroscopy
8-13 micron spectrophotometry of planetary nebulae
8-13-MICRON Spectrophotometry of Galaxies - Part Five - the Nuclei of Five Spiral Galaxies
8-Micron Photometry of the "Hot Saturn" HD 149026b During Its Secondary Eclipse
80th name-list of variable stars. I. (Kazarovets+, 2011)
85 GPa Shock Recovery Experiments on Granitic Rock Samples: On the Development of Extremely Heterogeneous 'Biotite' Impact Melt Glass
87 Rb- 87 Sr age of fragments and soils from the lunar sea of fertility
87 Sr / 86 Sr and 18 O / 16 O ratios, interstitial water chemistry and diagenesis in deep-sea carbonate sediments of the Ontong Java Plateau
87Rb-87Sr chronology of the Binda howardite
87Rb-87Sr constraints on the genesis and evolution of the Cantal continental volcanic system (France)