2H(18F,pα)15N reaction applied to nova γ-ray emission
2MASS and the Galactic Center
2MASS and the Nearby Universe
2MASS and the Solar System
2MASS Catalog Intermediate Data Release (IPAC/UMass, 2000)
2MASS data shows that most red Arecibo OH/IR Stars have detached shells
2MASS Examination of Hot Subdwarfs
2MASS Extragalactic Science
2MASS observation of BL Lac objects (Chen+, 2005)
2MASS observation of BL Lac objects II. (Mao+, 2011)
2MASS observations of Be stars (Zhang+, 2005)
2MASS photometry of cataclysmic variables (Ak+, 2008)
2MASS-IRAS Discovery of New Candidate Vega-type Systems
2MASS-selected Flat Galaxy Catalog (2MFGC) (Mitronova+, 2004)
2nd Cat. of Radial Velocities with Astrometric Data (Kharchenko+, 2007)
2p radioactivity studied by tracking technique
2p2 Team News
2p3/2 strength in 40,41Sc and the 39Ca(p,γ) reaction rate
2XMMi/SDSS Galaxy Cluster Survey (Takey+, 2011)
3 He and methane in the Gulf of Aden