X-ray Signatures related to Energetic Electrons Escaping from the Sun: First HESSI results
X-ray Source Population in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 720 as seen with Chandra
X-ray sources in clusters of galaxies
X-ray sources in regions of star formation. I - The naked T Tauri stars
X-ray sources in regions of star formation. IV - High-resolution optical spectroscopy of X-ray identified candidate pre-main-sequence stars in the Chamaeleon I cloud
X-ray sources in the 1hr XMM-Newton/Chandra deep field survey.
X-ray Sources in the Galaxy
X-ray sources near Lockman Hole (Zappacosta+, 2005)
X-ray Spectra and Variation of the Reflection Nebula of Eta Carinae
X-ray Spectra of Accreting Neutron Stars in the Atoll and Z Subclasses
X-ray spectra of the Crab pulsar and Nebula
X-ray spectra of X Persei
X-ray Spectral and Temporal Variability of an Illuminated Clumpy Disk around a Black Hole
X-ray spectral and variability modeling of low-frequency peaked BL Lac objects
X-ray Spectral Lines as Diagnostics of Neutron Star Masses, Radii, and Magnetic Fields
X-ray spectral microanalysis of composition of individual lunar regolith particles
X-Ray Spectral Study of a Newly Ginga-Detected DQ Her
X-ray Spectral Variability in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy Mrk 509
X-ray spectral variability in the ultraluminous X-ray source Holmberg IX X-1
X-ray spectral variation of the Crab Nebula in arc-second scale