Parallaxes and Proper Motions of Prototypes of Astrophysically Interesting Classes of Stars. I. R Coronae Borealis Variables
Parallaxes and proper motions. XIX - The subdwarf sequence
Parallaxes and proper motions. XVI
Parallaxes and proper motions. XVII
Parallaxes versus p-Modes: Comparing HIPPARCOS and Asteroseismic Results for Pulsating AP Stars
Parallaxes with Hubble Space Telescope - How and Why We Do It
Parallel beam interferometric detectors of gravitational waves
Parallel Computing and the IRAS Galaxy Atlas
Parallel controllable optical fiber positioning system for LAMOST
Parallel electric fields from ionospheric winds
Parallel Nonthermal Filaments Near the Galactic Center: Spectral Index Variation without Aging?
Parallel Observation Matching System for crafting overlaid science for the Hubble Space Telescope
Parallelism of four optical axes of the Solar Flare Telescope.
Parameter Solutions for the System AP Leonis
Parameter Variations in the Transits of Gliese 436b
Parameterization of Surface Moisture and Evaporation Rate in a Planetary Boundary Layer Model.
Parameterized Thermal Convection With a Multi-Layered Fluid and Plates
Parameters of disks around young stellar objects from polarization observations
Parameters of Dust Particles in the Martian Atmosphere
Parameters of Optical Variability of Active Galaxies Nuclei