Period variations in pulsating X-ray sources. I - Accretion flow parameters and neutron star structure from timing observations
Period, Amplitude and Light Curve of V38 in M13
Period-luminosity relations for red supergiant variables - II. The distance to M101
Perioden- Und Lichtkurvenanderungen Von AR Herculis
Periodgram Analysis of the Zurich and Schove Series. Stability of the Quasi-Century and Quasi-Two Century Solar Cycles.
Periodic activity of Comet Bradfield 1987s
Periodic and aperiodic variability of the interacting binary and long-periodic stars
Periodic anomalies in Earth-Mars range
Periodic Clustering of Red-shifts in the Spectra of Quasi-stellar and other Unusual Objects
Periodic crossings of Saturn's magnetospheric current/plasma sheet observed by Cassini CAPS/ELS and MAG
Periodic earthquakes in Alaska and Central America
Periodic Emission from the Gamma-Ray Binary 1FGL J1018.6-5856
Periodic fadings in VHF radio-satellite transmissions during the solar eclipse on 23 October 1976
Periodic fields in five-dimensional relativity
Periodic magma movement in the conduit with a barrier - A model for the volcanic tremor
Periodic magnetospheric substorms and the effect of solar wind
Periodic magnetospheric substorms and their relationship with solar wind pressure variations
Periodic microvariation of B416, a new luminous blue variable in M33
Periodic motions of a satellite with a strong magnet in the polar-orbit plane with allowance for perturbations
Periodic Orbits in a Mechanical System with Strongly Coupled Spin and Orbital Motions