Parental magma compositions inferred from the chemical compositions of olivine-controlled derivative melts
Parentless Fission and Radiogenic Xe in Lunar Breccia 14301 Studied by Closed-System Etching
PARIS to Hektor, A Mission to the Jovian Trojan Asteroids
PARIS: A new class of missions to explore the Trojan asteroids and outer solar system
Parity and time reversal experiments in atoms
Parker instability in chemically inhomogeneous medium as a possible process of element mixing
Parker instability in the nonadiabatic ISM
Parker-Jeans Instability in the Galactic Gaseous Disk. I. Linear Stability Analysis and Two-Dimensional MHD Simulations
Parkes 20-cm Multibeam Pulsar Surveys
Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey. VI. (Lorimer+, 2006)
Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey. VI. (Lorimer+, 2006)
Parkes observations of ammonia in southern Infrared Dark Clouds
Parkes Radio Sources Catalogue (PKSCAT90) (Wright+ 1990)
Parkes Radio Telescope pulsar timing (Weltevrede+, 2010)
Parkes-MIT-NRAO (PMN) Surveys (Griffith+ 1994)
Parkes-Tidbinbilla radio sources (Duncan+ 1993)
Parsec-Scale Imaging of Quasars and AGN
Parsec-scale Polarization Properties of a Complete Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei at 43 GHz
Parsec-scale VLBA observations of the highly collimated radio jet in the Seyfert galaxy, NGC4151.
Part I. Decrepitation and degassing behaviour of quartz up to 1560 °C: Analysis of noble gases and halogens in complex fluid inclusion assemblages