Oxygen lines in solar granulation. II. (Pereira+, 2009)
Oxygen self-diffusion in calcite: Dependence on temperature and water fugacity
Oxygen self-diffusion “fast-paths” in titanite single crystals and a general method for deconvolving self-diffusion profiles with “tails”
Oxygen three-isotope fractionation lines in terrestrial silicate minerals: An inter-laboratory comparison of hydrothermal quartz and eclogitic garnet
Oxygen Trapping in Icy Satellite Surfaces
Oxygen, silicon, and Mn-Cr isotopes of fayalite in the Kaba oxidized CV3 chondrite: Constraints for its formation history
Oxygen- and strontium-isotopic investigations of subduction zone volcanism: the case of the Volcano Arc and the Marianas Island Arc
Oxygen-Hydrogen Chemistry and Emissions in the Mesosphere: Modeling and SABER Observations
Oxygen-isotope fractionation between marine biogenic silica and seawater
Oxygen-isotope fractionation in titanium-oxide minerals at low temperature
Oxygen-isotope systematics in a multiphase weathering system in Haiti
Oxygen-isotopic compositions of low-FeO relicts in high-FeO host chondrules in Acfer 094, a type 3.0 carbonaceous chondrite closely related to CM
Oxygen-osmium isotope systematics of West Maui lavas: A record of shallow-level magmatic processes [rapid communication]
Ozone : the Knowledge of the (204) Vibrational State Through the Observation of the 2ν_1+4ν_3 and 2ν_1+4ν_3-ν_3 Bands
Ozone and temperature profiles measured above Kiruna inside, at the edge of, and outside the Arctic polar vortex in February and March 1997
Ozone and Temperature Responses to the Short-term Solar Ultraviolet Flux Variability in a Coupled Model of Photochemistry and Dynamics
Ozone destruction and production rates between spring and autumn in the Arctic stratosphere
Ozone diurnal variations and mean profiles in the mesosphere, lower thermosphere, and stratosphere, based on measurements from SABER on TIMED
Ozone generation over the Indian Ocean during the South African biomass-burning period: case study of October 1992
Ozone hole and Southern Hemisphere climate change