Daily to Interannual Variability of Mars' Surface Pressure
Daily Variation of the Geomagnetic Field and the Deformation of the Magnetosphere
Daily Variation of the Geomagnetic Field at the Dip Equator
Daily Variations of Temperature.
Daily Variations of the Geomagnetic Field
DAMA investigations on Dark Matter at Gran Sasso: results and perspectives
Damp Moon Rising
Damped Lyman Alpha (DLA) Systems in GRB Afterglows: Probing Dense Regions in GRB Host Galaxies
Damped Lyman Alpha Absorption in 3CR 286
Damped Lyman alpha absorption of QSOs (Curran+, 2002)
Damped Lyα Systems in GRB Afterglows
Damping of Loop Oscillations in the Stratified Corona
Damping of non-isothermal hot coronal loops oscillations
Damping of S Waves
Damping of Standing Alfvén Waves
Dante and the Southern Cross
Dar AL Gani 013--A New Saharan Rumuruti-Chondrite (R3-6) with Highly Unequilibrated (Type 3) Fragments
Dark Clasts in the ACFER 059/El Djouf 001 Meteorite (CR) from the Sahara: Implications for their Origins
Dark clasts in the Khor Temiki aubrite: Not basalts
Dark clouds imaging polarimetry (Sen+, 2000)