Carbonic metamorphism, granulites and crustal growth
Carbonyl Sulfide-Mediated Prebiotic Formation of Peptides
Carbothermal Reduction of Lunar Materials for Oxygen Production on the Moon: Reduction of Lunar Simulants with Carbon
Carbothermal Reduction of Lunar Materials for Oxygen Production on the Moon: Reduction of Lunar Simulants with Methane
Carboxylic and Dicarboxylic Acids Extracted from Crushed Magnesium Oxide Single Crystals
Caribbean ionosphere campaign, year one: Airglow and plasma observations during two intense mid-latitude spread-F events
Carina OB stars in the CCCP catalog (Gagne+, 2011)
Carnot cycles in general relativity
Carotenoid diagenesis in recent marine sediments: II. Degradation of fucoxanthin to loliolide
Carotenoids of Grass Silage
Cartan's contortion as a pair of massless spin-2 fields
Cartographie des disques
CAS A as a Supernova Remnant (The Supernova of the 16th Century)
Cas A's Multiple Plasmas - Catching the Wave
Cas A: before and after the shocks
Case studies of the propagation characteristics of auroral TIDS with EISCAT CP2 data using maximum entropy cross-spectral analysis
Case studies on the dynamics of Pi3 geomagnetic and riometer pulsations during auroral activations
Case study of a Chinese dust plume reaching the French Alps
Case study of feedbacks and synergisms in a doubled CO2 experiment
Case study of the development of polar stratospheric clouds using bistatic imaging