Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Industrial Era
Carbonaceous Cherts in the Barberton Greenstone Belt and Their Significance for the Study of Early Life in the Archean Record
Carbonaceous Chondrite Clasts in HED Achondrites
Carbonaceous chondrites and the origin of life
Carbonaceous components in the comet Halley dust
Carbonaceous inclusions in the LL3 chondrite Krymka
Carbonaceous matter in mantle xenoliths - Composition and relevance to the isotopes
Carbonaceous Matter in the ISM
Carbonaceous Micrometeorites and the Origin of Life
Carbonaceous xenoliths in the Krymka LL3.1 chondrite: Mysteries and established facts
Carbonate chemistry of groundwater from chalk, Givendale, East Yorkshire
Carbonate in Comets: A Comparison of Comets 1P/Halley, 9P/Temple 1, and 81P/Wild 2
Carbonate minerals as high fidelity recorders of the longevity and scale of the aqueous system within CM carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies
Carbonate stability and fluid composition in subducted oceanic crust: an experimental study on H2O-CO2-bearing basalts
Carbonate veins trace seawater circulation during exhumation and uplift of mantle rock: Results from ODP Leg 209
Carbonate-silicate liquid immiscibility upon impact melting, Ries Crater, Germany
Carbonates in ALH 84001 Formed in a Short-Lived Hydrothermal System
Carbonates in ALH84001 - Evidence for kinetically controlled growth
Carbonatitic mineralogy of natural diamond-forming fluids
Carbonic metamorphism at ultrahigh-temperatures: Evidence from North China Craton