Carbon in Hot DB White Dwarfs: A New Challenge for the Theory of the Spectral Evolution of White Dwarfs
Carbon in the Metal of Iron Meteorites
Carbon in the outer solar system
Carbon isotope effects in the open-system Fischer Tropsch synthesis
Carbon Isotope Equilibrium Between Methane and Carbon Dioxide in two Continental Hydrothermal Systems: Implications for Methane Production on Mars
Carbon Isotope Fractionation in CO - the 13C / 12C Ratio and the Nature of the Diffuse Interstellar Cloud Toward Zeta-Ophiuchi
Carbon isotope geochemistry of graphite vein deposits from New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Carbon isotope geochemistry of Paleozoic oils from Big Horn Basin
Carbon isotope geochemistry of the 3.7 × 10 9 -yr-old Isua sediments, West Greenland: implications for the Archaean carbon and oxygen cycles
Carbon isotope geochemistry of the Cretaceous-Tertiary section of the Wasserfallgraben, Lattengebirge, southeast Germany
Carbon isotope ratios in dolostones: some implications concerning the genesis of secondary and "primary" dolostones
Carbon Isotope Ratios in Metal-Poor Halo Red Giant Stars: Chemical Mixing on the Red Giant Branch
Carbon isotope relationships in winonaites and forsterite chondrites
Carbon Isotope Systematics in Mineral-Catalyzed Hydrothermal Organic Synthesis Processes at High Temperatures and Pressures
Carbon isotope variations in a solar pond microbial mat: Role of environmental gradients as steering variables
Carbon isotope variations of CO2 in central Lau Basin basalts and ferrobasalts
Carbon isotopes and concentrations in mid-oceanic ridge basalts
Carbon Isotopes in M71 Giants - CNO, Mixing, and Metallicity
Carbon isotopes in recent planktonic foraminifera: A record of anthropogenic CO2 invasion of the surface ocean
Carbon isotopes in xenoliths from the Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii, and the generation of isotopic variability