Calorimetry of GRB afterglows -- a Direct Measure of the Fireball Energy
Caloris Basin - an enhanced source for potassium in Mercury's atmosphere
Cam-Per Vilnius photometry (Zdanavicius+, 2002)
Cambridge independent?
Cameca IMS-1280 Pb/Pb Dating of Baddeleyite in LAP 02224
Camel Donga - A eucrite with high metal content
Camel Donga meteorite - A new eucrite from the Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia
Camera 3 Intrapixel Sensitivity
Camera for detection of cosmic rays of energy more than 10 Eev on the ISS orbit
Camera for Quasars in the Early Universe (CQUEAN)
Campaign activities in ESA related to new and planned missions for improved analysis of the cryosphere
Campo del Cielo iron meteorite: Sample shielding and meteoroid's preatmospheric size
Can a background of gravitational waves constrain the star formation history of the universe?
Can a double component outflow explain the X-ray and optical lightcurves of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts?
Can a Warm (Aqueous Ammonium Sulfate) Ocean Survive Inside Titan?
Can Aurora be Seen in Daylight?
Can Chabazite Account for the Water Observed on the Equator of Mars?
Can Changing Sunspot and Facular Areas Reproduce the Amplitude of Total Irradiance Variations?(Look,Mom; No Free Parameters!)
Can Cusp-Originated Relativistic Electrons be Identified in the Radiation Belt?
Can Cyg X-2 be another Neutron Star Source with Spectral Index - QPO Frequency Correlation?