224Ra, 228Ra, and 226Ra in Winyah Bay and Delaware Bay
226 Ra in phosphate nodules from the Peru/Chile seafloor
226Ra and 222Rn contents of Galapagos Rift hydrothermal waters -the importance of low-temperature interactions with crustal rocks
226Ra chronology of a coastal marine sediment
226Ra in the Japan Sea and the residence time of the Japan Sea water
226Ra in the western Indian Ocean
226Ra or 226Ra/Ba dating of Holocene volcanic rocks: application to Mt. Etna and Merapi volcanoes
226Ra, 210Pb and 210Po in the Red Sea
228Th/228Ra ages of a barite-rich chimney from the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
22Mg and the 21Na(p,γ) reaction rate
22Ne excess in cosmic rays from the inner galaxy
230Th and 231Pa in the Arctic Ocean: implications for particle fluxes and basin-scale Th/Pa fractionation
230Th in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Panama Basin
230Th in the eastern North Atlantic: the importance of water mass ventilation in the balance of 230Th
230Th-238U disequilibrium and the melting processes beneath ridge axes
230Th-238U radioactive disequilibria in tholeiites from the FAMOUS zone (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 36°50'N): Th and Sr isotopic geochemistry
231Pa and 230Th in surface sediments of the Arctic Ocean: Implications for 231Pa/230Th fractionation, boundary scavenging, and advective export
232 MHz observations of the Abell cluster A407 with the Miyun synthesis radio telescope.
234 U/ 238 U ratios in quaternary planktonic foraminifera
234U and 238U concentration in brine from geopressured aquifers of the northern Gulf of Mexico basin