Transport properties of heavy particles in high Reynolds number turbulence
Transport properties of kicked and quasi-periodic Hamiltonians
Transport Properties of the Lorentz Gas in Terms of Periodic Orbits
Transversality for a Class of 3D Oscillators via Gyrostat Equations
Transverse instability and its long-term development for solitary waves of the (2+1)-Boussinesq equation
Transverse instability for non-normal parameters
Transverse velocities, intermittency and asymmetry in fully developed turbulence
Travelling waves in pipe flow
Traversal-time distribution for a classical time-modulated barrier
Triaxial Ellipsoidal Quantum Billiards
Triple cascade behaviour in QG and drift turbulence and generation of zonal jets
Trouble of Non-Linearity
Tsallis non-extensive statistics, intermittent turbulence, SOC and chaos in the solar plasma. Part one: Sunspot dynamics
Tsallis non-extensive statistics, intermittent turbulence, SOC and chaos in the solar plasma. Part two: Solar Flares dynamics
Tsallis Non-Extensive Statistics. Theory and Applications
Tunable Fermi acceleration in the driven elliptical billiard
Tuning Mixing within a Droplet for Digital Microfluidics
Tunneling and Chaos
Tunneling And The Onset Of Chaos In A Driven Bistable System
Tunneling Mechanism due to Chaos in a Complex Phase Space