Relating pain intensity of newborns to onset of nonlinear phenomena in cry recordings
Relation between coupled map lattices and kinetic Ising models
Relative dispersion in fully developed turbulence: from Eulerian to Lagrangian statistics in synthetic flows
Relative dispersion in fully developed turbulence: The Richardson's Law and Intermittency Corrections
Relative Periodic Solutions of the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation
Relativistic invariance of Lyapunov exponents in bounded and unbounded systems
Relaxation and Diffusion for the Kicked Rotor
Relaxation and Diffusion in a Globally Coupled Hamiltonian System
Relaxation and Localization in Interacting Quantum Maps
Relaxation and Noise in Chaotic Systems
Relaxation dynamics of the Kuramoto model with uniformly distributed natural frequencies
Relaxation fluctuations about an equilibrium in quantum chaos
Relaxation Fluctuations in Quantum Chaos
Relaxation of finite perturbations: Beyond the Fluctuation-Response relation
Relaxation oscillations and negative strain rate sensitivity in the Portevin - Le Chatelier effect
Relaxation to the Invariant Density for Kicked Rotor
Relaying phase synchrony in chaotic oscillator chains
Relevance of Dynamic Clustering to Biological Networks
Reliability of Coupled Oscillators I: Two-Oscillator Systems
Reliability of Coupled Oscillators II: Larger Networks