Linear differential equations to solve nonlinear mechanical problems: A novel approach
Linear Parabolic Maps on the Torus
Linear Response Theory in Stochastic Resonance
Linear response, susceptibility and resonances in chaotic toy models
Linear stability in billiards with potential
Linear Stochastic Models of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Links between dissipation, intermittency, and helicity in the GOY model revisited
Liouville Operator Approach to Symplecticity-Preserving Renormalization Group Method
Local 4/5-Law and Energy Dissipation Anomaly in Turbulence
Local Analysis of Dissipative Dynamical Systems
Local control of Hamiltonian chaos
Local Controls for Large Assemblies of Nonlinear Elements
Local dimension and finite time prediction in spatiotemporal chaotic systems
Local estimates for entropy densities in coupled map lattices
Local evolution equations for non-Markovian processes
Local Gram-Schmidt and Covariant Lyapunov Vectors and Exponents for Three Harmonic Oscillator Problems
Local log-law of the wall: numerical evidences and reasons
Local phase space control and interplay of classical and quantum effects in dissociation of a driven Morse oscillator
Local prediction of turning points of oscillating time series
Local properties of extended self-similarity in 3D turbulence