Random Neighbor Theory of the Olami-Feder-Christensen Earthquake Model
Random Walks on a Fluctuating Lattice: A Renormalization Group Approach Applied in One Dimension
Rapid parapatric speciation on holey adaptive landscapes
Rates of convergence for Smoluchowski's coagulation equations
Rationality in the Theory of the Firm
Reactivity in decision-form games
Reconstructing Bologna. The City as an Emergent Computational System - A Study in the Complexity of Urban Structures. Part I: The Basic Idea and Fundamental Concepts
Regular and irregular modulation of frequencies in limit cycle oscillator networks
Regular spiking in asymmetrically delay-coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo systems
Reinforcement learning of recurrent neural network for temporal coding
Reliability of temporal coding on pulse-coupled networks of oscillators
Remarks on scaling properties inherent to the systems with hierarchically organized supplying network
Replication Error and Time Evolution of a Self-Replicating System
Replicator dynamics with mutations for games with a continuous strategy space
Reproducibility of a noisy limit-cycle oscillator induced by a fluctuating input
Reproducible noise in a macroscopic system: magnetic avalanches in Perminvar
Reproductive Tradeoffs In Uncertain Environments: Explaining The Evolution Of Cultural Elaboration
Resonance-like phenomena of the mobility of a chain of nonlinear coupled oscillators in a two-dimensional periodic potential
Resource Sharing and Coevolution in Evolving Cellular Automata
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