Decentralization as Organizing Principle of Emergent Urban Structures
Decentralized control of large vehicular formations: stability margin and sensitivity to external disturbances
Decline in extinction rates and scale invariance in the fossil record
Degeneracy: a design principle for achieving robustness and evolvability
Degeneracy: a link between evolvability, robustness and complexity in biological systems
Delay Induced Instabilities in Self-Propelling Swarms
Delocalization of a Dynamic System with Preservation or Self-Resurection of Informational Functionality. Ghost machines or can a system survive its destruction
Democracy versus Dictatorship in Self-Organized Models of Financial Markets
Democracy: Order out of Chaos
Describing Rates of Interaction between Multiple Autonomous Entities: An Example Using Combat Modelling
Description of Complex Systems in terms of Self-Organization Processes of Prime Integer Relations
Design of Easily Synchronizable Oscillator Networks Using the Monte Carlo Optimization Method
Design of Oscillator Networks with Enhanced Synchronization Tolerance against Noise
Desynchronization transitions in nonlinearly coupled phase oscillators
Determining possible avenues of approach using ANTS
Deterministic Bak-Sneppen model. Lyapunov spectrum and avalanches as return times
Dielectric catastrophe at the magnetic field induced insulator to metal transition in Pr1-xCaxMnO3 (x=0.30, 0.37) crystals
Different amplitude and time distribution of the sound of light and classical music
Different mechanisms shaped the transition to farming in Europe and the North American Woodland
Different Neurons Population Distribution Correlates with Topologic-Temporal Dynamic Acoustic Information Flow