Wide-field Low-z SN Search with the NOAO Mosaic
Wide-field performance gradient at a mid-latitude site and at Dome C
Wide-field science drivers for future telescopes and instrumentation
Wideband radar polarimetry: low frequency-to-optical imaging--an essential tool in planetary enfironmental defense--the challenge of the next century, and a viable new role for the world militaries
Widespread and voluminous flood volcanism in the northern high latitudes of Mercury revealed by MESSENGER: Relation to global volcanic processes
Widespread occurrence of a novel high coercivity, thermally stable, low unblocking temperature magnetic phase in heated archeological material
Widespread, Juvenile Alteration of the Ferrar Dolerite in Beacon Valley, Antarctica
Widespread, Low-Level Contaminants Present in Many U.S. Streams and Rivers
Widmanstatten ferrite in lunar iron
Width and flow of hypersurfaces by curvature functions
Width and mean curvature flow
Width and mode of the profile for some random trees of logarithmic height
Width Distributions for Convex Regular Polyhedra
Width is not additive
Width of a planetary ring system and the C-ring of Saturn
Width of homoclinic zone for quadratic maps
Width of l^p balls
Width of the analyticity strip in space variable of viscous Burgers shockwaves
Widths of embeddings in weighted function spaces
Widths of embeddings of 2-microlocal Besov spaces