Which canonical algebras are derived equivalent to incidence algebras of posets?
Which compacta are noncommutative ARs?
Which Connected Spatial Networks on Random Points have Linear Route-Lengths?
Which Digraphs with Ring Structure are Essentially Cyclic?
Which Earth for its True Polar Wander? Deciphering Subducted Plates and Upwellings Contributions
Which finitely generated Abelian groups admit isomorphic Cayley graphs?
Which fireballs are meteorites - A study of the Prairie Network photographic meteor data
Which infinite abelian groups admit an almost maximally almost-periodic group topology?
Which mutation classes of quivers have constant number of arrows?
Which Partial Sums of the Taylor Series for $e$ are Convergents to $e$? (and a Link to the Primes 2, 5, 13, 37, 463), II
Which Point Configurations are Determined by the Distribution of their Pairwise Distances?
Which point sets admit a k-angulation?
Which powers of holomorphic functions are integrable?
Which quaternion algebras act on a modular abelian variety?
Which random walks are cyclic?
Which Schubert varieties are local complete intersections?
Which Singular K3 Surfaces Cover an Enriques Surface
Which subnormal Toeplitz operators are either normal or analytic?
Which weakly ramified group actions admit a universal formal deformation?
Which weighted composition operators are complex symmetric?