When is the Fourier transform of an elementary function elementary?
When is the Haar measure a Pietsch measure for nonlinear mappings?
When is the Hawking mass monotone under Geometric Flows
When is the Product isomorphic to the Coproduct
When is the ring of $T$ invariants of the homogeneous coordinate ring of $G/B$ a polynomial algebra- connection with the Coxeter elements
When is the second local multiplier algebra of a C*-algebra equal to the first?
When is the self-intersection of a subvariety a fibration?
When is the {I}sbell topology a group topology?
When is there a nontrivial extension-closed subcategory?
When is there a unique socle-vector associated to a given $h$-vector?
When is tight closure determined by the test ideal?
When Knowing Early Matters: Gossip, Percolation and Nash Equilibria
When physics helps mathematics: calculation of the sophisticated multiple integral
When Polarizations Generate
When right n-Engel elements of a group form a subgroup?
When Schrier transversals grow wild
When Shape Matters: Deformations of Tiling Spaces
When size matters: subshifts and their related tiling spaces
When strictly locally convex hypersurfaces are embedded
When the associated graded ring of a semigroup ring is Complete Intersection