When is a smash product semiprime?
When is a symmetric pin-jointed framework isostatic?
When is a Tensor Product of Circulant Graphs Circulant?
When is a trigonometric polynomial not a trigonometric polynomial?
When is ch(K(m,n))=m-1?
When is Eaton's Markov chain irreducible?
When is Existential Quantification Conservative?
When is f(x_1, x_2, . . ., x_n)=u_1(x_1)+u_2(x_2)+ . . . +u_n(x_n)?
When is Galois cohomology free or trivial?
When is Group Cohomology Finitary?
When is hyponormality for 2-variable weighted shifts invariant under powers?
When is multidimensional screening a convex program?
When is region crossing change an unknotting operation?
When is sinx+cosx+tanx+cotx+secx+cscx an integer ?
When is stability in the eye of the beholder\? Comments on a singular initial-value problem for a nonlinear differential equation arising in semiclassical cosmology
When is the (co)sine of a rational angle equal to a rational number?
When is the commutant of a Bol loop a subloop?
When is the Cuntz-Krieger algebra of a higher-rank graph approximately finite-dimensional?
When is the diagonal functor Frobenius?
When is the Direct Product of Generalized Mycielskians a Cover Graph?