Wheeling: A diagrammatic analogue of the Duflo isomorphism
Wheels, Wheeling, and the Kontsevich Integral of the Unknot
When $δ$-semiperfect rings are semiperfect
When a C*-algebra is a coefficient algebra for a given endomorphism
When a partial Borel order is linearizable
When a Stochastic Exponential is a True Martingale. Extension of a Method of Bene^s
When almost all sets are difference dominated
When an $\mathscr{S}$-closed submodule is a direct summand
When an abelian category with a tilting object is equivalent to a module category
When an amalgamated duplication of a ring along an ideal is quasi-Frobenius
When and how an error yields a Dirichlet form
When Any Group of N Elements is Cyclic?
When are crossed products by minimal diffeomorphisms isomorphic?
When are dual Cayley automaton semigroups finite?
When are Swing options bang-bang and how to use it
When are There Infinitely Many Irreducible Elements in a Principal Ideal Domain?
When Are Torsionless Modules Projective?
When are two Dedekind sums equal?
When Aut($\cal A$) and Homeo(Prim($\cal A$)) are homeomorphics
When can the two-armed bandit algorithm be trusted?