Rainbow connection number, bridges and radius
Rainbow connection numbers of complementary graphs
Rainbow connection of graphs with diameter 2
Rainbow connections of graphs -- A survey
Rainbow Connectivity of Sparse Random Graphs
Rainbow Graphs and Switching Classes
Rainbow Hamilton cycles in random graphs
Rainbow Hamilton cycles in random regular graphs
Rainbow induced subgraphs in proper vertex colorings
Rainbow Matchings of size δ(G) in Properly Edge-colored Graphs
Rainbow Matchings: existence and counting
Rainbow number of matchings in regular bipartite graphs
Rainbow Turán Problem for Even Cycles
Rainbow vertex-connection number of 2-connected graphs
Rainfall and drought in equatorial east Africa during the past 1,100 years
Rainfall and moon phase
Rainfall and moon phase
Rainfall and moon phase
Rainfall retrieval over Indian land and oceanic regions from SSM/I microwave data
Rainfall-induced volcanic activity on Montserrat