Radio Observations Provide New Clues to Nature of Gamma Ray Fireball
Radio occultation experiment of the Venus atmosphere and ionosphere with the Venus orbiter Akatsuki
Radio Occultation Measurements of Transient Eddies in the Northern Hemisphere of Mars
Radio occultation of the Venusian atmosphere and bistatic radiolocation of the surface of Venus using the Venera-9 and Venera-10 satellites
Radio path formula. II - Practical applications
Radio Properties of High Redshift, Optically Selected Quasars
Radio Pulsar Statistics
Radio Pulse Properties the Millisecond Pulsar PSR J0437-4715 at 20 CM
Radio Relics in Galaxy Clusters: Insights from Cosmological Simulations for Future Observations
Radio resource allocation in OFDMA multi-cell networks
Radio Science Concepts for Exploring the Interior Structures of Jupiter's Icy Moons
Radio Search for Extrasolar Cometary Impacts at 22 GHz (Water Maser Emission)
Radio sky mapping from satellites at very low frequencies
Radio Source Counts in Cosmology
Radio Source Evolution and Intrinsic Redshifts
Radio source parameter estimation by maximum likelihood processing of variable baseline correlation interferometer data
Radio source populations: Results from SDSS
Radio Source Spectra and the Cosmological Red-shift
Radio Source Spectra Towards Clusters of Galaxies as Drawn from Large Surveys
Radio Sources In Galaxy Clusters Using The Maxbcg Cluster Catalog, First And NVSS Surveys