Pyroxenes from planetary basalts - Characterization of 'other' than quadrilateral components
Pyroxenes in the Shaw /L-7/ chondrite
Pyroxenes of ordinary H-group and L-group chondrites
Pyrrhotite and the remanent magnetization of SNC meteorites: a changing perspective on Martian magnetism
Pyrrhotite in Extraterrestrial Materials: Paleomagnetic Implications of its High-Pressure Transition
Pythagorean Partition-Regularity and Ordered Triple Systems with the Sum Property
Pythagorean Triangles with Repeated Digits-Repeated Bases
Pythagorean triangles within Pythagorean triangles
Pythagorean Triples and a New Pythagorean Theorem
P^2-reducing and toroidal Dehn fillings
P^f is not equal to NP^f for almost all f
p^k-torsion of genus two curves over F_{p^m}
p^q-Catalan Numbers and Squarefree Binomial Coefficients
P^r-scrolls arising from Brill-Noether theory and K3-surfaces