L^2-Riemann-Roch Inequalities for Covering Manifolds
L^2-spectral invariants and convergent sequences of finite graphs
L^2-Torsion and Bounded Measure Equivalence of Groups
L^2-torsion of hyperbolic manifolds of finite volume
L^3 estimates for an algebraic variable coefficient Wolff circular maximal function
L^p and Schauder estimates for nonvariational operators structured on Hörmander vector fields with drift
L^p Bernstein estimates and approximation by spherical basis functions
L^p boundedness of maximal averages over hypersurfaces in R^3
L^p bounds for a maximal dyadic sum operator
L^p bounds for higher rank eigenfunctions and asymptotics of spherical functions
L^p change of variables inequalities on manifolds
L^p eigenfunction bounds for the Hermite operator
L^p estimates for a singular integral operator motivated by Calderón's second commutator
L^p estimates for Feynman-Kac propagators with time-dependent reference measures
L^p estimates for quantities advected by a compressible flow
L^p estimates for Riesz transforms on forms in the Poincare space H^n
L^p norms of eigenfunctions in the completely integrable case
L^p regularity of averages over curves and bounds for associated maximal operators
L^p solutions of the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations with rough external forces
l^p-cohomology for groups of type FP_n