L^2 harmonics forms on non compact manifolds
L^2 rho form for normal coverings of fibre bundles
L^2 stability estimates for shock solutions of scalar conservation laws using the relative entropy method
L^2 torsion without the determinant class condition and extended L^2 cohomology
L^2-Betti numbers for subfactors
L^2-Betti numbers of coamenable quantum groups
L^2-Betti Numbers of Discrete Measured Groupoids
L^2-Betti numbers of hypersurface complements
L^2-Betti numbers of one-relator groups
L^2-Betti numbers of plane algebraic curves
L^2-Betti numbers, isomorphism conjectures and noncommutative localization
L^2-cohomology for von Neumann algebras
L^2-cohomology of locally symmetric spaces, I
L^2-concentration phenomenon for Zakharov system below energy norm
L^2-homology for compact quantum groups
L^2-Homology for von Neumann Algebras
L^2-Invariants and rank metric
L^2-Invariants from the Algebraic Point of View
L^2-Invariants of Finite Aspherical CW-Complexes
L^2-invariants of locally symmetric spaces